Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Greetings, this is Blog Project 09, which will be written by Alex Daniels, Richard Jicha, and Sarah Tucci.

The purpose of this blog will be to discuss and analyze several prominent films over the past few years. Some examples we will provide include Avatar, the Transformers series, one or two of the Marvel films, and possibly the Harry Potter series. Throughout the course of these reviews, we will be discussing several aspects of the films, such as characters, settings, and the story itself. Moreover, we will be focusing on what critics and the public wrote in their responses to the movies. During our time on the blog, we will try to delve into what made the films a success or a failure with their audiences. By doing so, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of how to write in a manner that will be positively accepted by today's standards.

Till next time,
Alex Daniels, Richard Jicha, Sarah Tucci

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